hier-kaufen-sie-das-buch-von-geert-auf-franzoesisch-uebersetzt.-|-stimme-fuer-wissenschaft-und-solidaritaetHier kaufen Sie das Buch von Geert auf Französisch übersetzt. | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität
was-passiert,-wenn-eine-pandemie,-die-durch-ein-virus-verursacht-wird,-das-natuerlicherweise-eine-akute,-selbstlimitierende-infektion-verursacht,-keine-herdenimmunitaet-erzeugt?-|-stimme-fuer-wissenschaft-und-solidaritaetWas passiert, wenn eine Pandemie, die durch ein Virus verursacht wird, das natürlicherweise eine akute, selbstlimitierende Infektion verursacht, keine Herdenimmunität erzeugt? | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität

Wissenschaftler und selbsternannte Experten passen ihre Interpretation der serologischen Daten von aktualisierten COVID-19-Impfstoff-Boostern an die Mainstream-Erzählung an und vermitteln dadurch eine gefährlich irreführende öffentliche Gesundheitsbotschaft. | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität

Published On: 4. März 2024 14:12

ARS-CoV-2 variants. As highly vaccinated populations exert immune selection pressure on viral virulence, the emergence of highly infectious variants that do not rely on previously SIR-primed Abs to enhance their infectiousness leads to a shift towards Ab-independent VBTIs. This can result in the emergence of variants that can evade the virulence-inhibiting effect of PNNAbs, leading to a sudden surge in severe C-19 disease and mortality within highly vaccinated populations.

The recent emergence of the JN.1 variant, with its high level of viral infectiousness, signals a decline in S-specific T-helper activity and a reduction in the boosting of PNNAbs. This variant likely marks the beginning of selective immune pressure on the conserved infection-enhancing site within the S-NTD, potentially leading to the unleashing of unrestrained virulence and disrupting the protection previously enjoyed by C-19 vaccinees.

In conclusion, the ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 variants in highly vaccinated populations poses a significant challenge, as immune selection pressure on viral virulence can lead to the emergence of highly infectious variants that evade the protective effects of previously SIR-primed Abs. Vigilance and continued research are essential to monitor and respond to these evolving threats to public health

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Scientists and self-proclaimed experts have been aligning their interpretation of serological data from updated COVID-19 vaccine boosters with the mainstream narrative, thereby conveying a dangerously misleading public health message. | Voice for Science and Solidarity

Read article in pdf ‍ Foreword:  While preparing for the big bang, I felt compelled to share the attached article with the world. The intended audience primarily includes all scientists, public health authorities, medical doctors and so-called ‘experts’ who are still naïve or ignorant enough to believe that Covid-19 vaccine boosters can recall virus- neutralizing antibodies and therefore ensure prolonged protection against Covid-19 disease.  I am genuinely stunned at their intellectual laziness. Had they conducted thorough research, they would know what I know, which is that nothing has been more predictable than that mass vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 was doomed to breed more infectious immune escape variants, eventually leading to the dominant spread of a highly infectious variant capable of causing

Details zu Scientists and self-proclaimed experts have been aligning their interpretation of serological data from updated COVID-19 vaccine boosters with the mainstream narrative, thereby conveying a dangerously misleading public health message. | Voice for Science and Solidarity

hier-kaufen-sie-das-buch-von-geert-auf-franzoesisch-uebersetzt.-|-stimme-fuer-wissenschaft-und-solidaritaetHier kaufen Sie das Buch von Geert auf Französisch übersetzt. | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität
was-passiert,-wenn-eine-pandemie,-die-durch-ein-virus-verursacht-wird,-das-natuerlicherweise-eine-akute,-selbstlimitierende-infektion-verursacht,-keine-herdenimmunitaet-erzeugt?-|-stimme-fuer-wissenschaft-und-solidaritaetWas passiert, wenn eine Pandemie, die durch ein Virus verursacht wird, das natürlicherweise eine akute, selbstlimitierende Infektion verursacht, keine Herdenimmunität erzeugt? | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität