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neuigkeiten:-demokratischer-staatssekretaer-von-maine-hebt-trump-wahlverbot-nach-entscheidung-des-obersten-gerichtshofs-aufNEUIGKEITEN: Demokratischer Staatssekretär von Maine hebt Trump-Wahlverbot nach Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs auf

Die Amerikanisierung Frankreichs: Der Marshall-Plan, neu überdacht

Published On: 5. März 2024 21:35

sts, but it is less so in the case of Blum and his socialist and communist allies. Lacroix-Riz suggests that Blum, Monnet, and their colleagues were more concerned with maintaining their own power and influence in the postwar French government than with the well-being of the French people. They were willing to sacrifice the country’s economic independence and sovereignty in order to stay in power and prevent the communists from gaining more influence. In the end, they were more interested in serving the interests of the capitalist elite, both in France and in the US, than in promoting the welfare of the working class and the broader population.

Overall, Lacroix-Riz’s analysis of the Blum-Byrnes Agreement sheds light on a crucial moment in French history and exposes the myths and distortions that have surrounded it for decades. By revealing the true motivations and consequences of the agreement, she challenges the conventional narrative of postwar reconstruction and highlights the role of political power and economic interests in shaping the course of history. Her work serves as a reminder of the importance of critical historical analysis and the need to question official narratives in order to uncover the truth behind complex events

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Americanizing France: the Marshall Plan, Reconsidered

Photograph Source: Chief Petty Officer Michael McNabb – Public Domain Reflections inspired by a new book by Annie Lacroix-Riz, Les origines du plan Marshall: Le mythe de “l’aide” américaine, Armand Colin, Malakoff, 2023. Last summer, motoring from Paris to Nice through what Parisians call “la France profonde”, I could not help but notice how thoroughly France has been Americanized.  The scenery in Burgundy and Provence is as lovely as ever, and the old towns are still extremely picturesque, but one now enters most if not all of them along gasoline alleys lined with hamburger joints dispensing “malbouffe”, car dealerships, and shopping centers with exactly the same retailers you would find in malls on the other side of the Atlantic, plus

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neuigkeiten:-demokratischer-staatssekretaer-von-maine-hebt-trump-wahlverbot-nach-entscheidung-des-obersten-gerichtshofs-aufNEUIGKEITEN: Demokratischer Staatssekretär von Maine hebt Trump-Wahlverbot nach Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs auf