der-aufstand-der-zwerge-gegen-ursula-von-der-leyenDer Aufstand der Zwerge gegen Ursula von der Leyen
russische-stimme:-abgehoertes-deutsches-luftwaffengespraech-fuehrt-zu-kriegRussische Stimme: Abgehörtes deutsches Luftwaffengespräch führt zu Krieg

Ein Königreich für einen „Normalo“!

Published On: 8. März 2024 13:08

lambs-how-propaganda-works John Pilger: Website. [10] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [11] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [12] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [13] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [14] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [15] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [16] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [17] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [18] Pilger, John (8.9.2022) Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda works: „She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I ask ed. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.“ John Pilger: Website. [19] Putin, Wladimir (2010) „Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft von Lissabon bis Wladiwostok.“ Süddeutsche Zeitung. [20] Putin, Wladimir (Juni 2021) „Gemeinsamer Kooperations- und Sicherheitsraum vom Atlantik bis zum Pazifik.“ Die Zeit. [21] Friedensforscher (2022) „In the face statements.“ [22] Putin, Wladimir (2019) „The National Interest.“ [23] Putin, Wladimir (2019) Interview mit der Financial Times. [24] Putin, Wladimir (2022) Interview mit Tucker Carlson. [25] RAND-Corporation (2022) „Die Marschroute der USA.“ [26] Chalyi, Oleksandr (2022) „Es war Putins persönliche Entscheidung.“ Interview mit der Berliner Zeitung

Original Artikel Teaser

Ein Königreich für einen “Genschman”!

Hallo Friedensbewegung! Bitte kommen! Ein Meinungsbeitrag von Stefan Nold. Der französische Präsident will Soldaten in die Ukraine verlegen [1]; das ZDF wirbt auf seinem Kinderkanal mit infantil-subtiler Propaganda dafür, mit Taurus-Raketen Russland zu bombardieren [2], während Generäle der Bundeswehr in einer Telefonkonferenz breitbeinig darüber diskutieren, wie das zu machen wäre, ungeschützt [3], so dass man sie abhören konnte. Was wäre Russlands Antwort nach einem Angriff auf die  Krimbrücke? Die russischen Hyperschallwaffen funktionieren und wir haben keine nennenswerte Luftabwehr. [4] Wir sind keine Schachspieler, die sich nicht um den nächsten Zug des Gegners scheren – wir tun so, als hätte er außer dem König gar keine Figuren auf dem Brett. Friedrich Schillers Lied von der Glocke wird zum Gelaber der Gockel:

Details zu Ein Königreich für einen “Genschman”!

der-aufstand-der-zwerge-gegen-ursula-von-der-leyenDer Aufstand der Zwerge gegen Ursula von der Leyen
russische-stimme:-abgehoertes-deutsches-luftwaffengespraech-fuehrt-zu-kriegRussische Stimme: Abgehörtes deutsches Luftwaffengespräch führt zu Krieg