verlaengerung-der-treuhandverwaltung-der-pck-–-polnischer-konzern-plant-akquisitionVerlängerung der Treuhandverwaltung der PCK - Polnischer Konzern plant Akquisition
ampel-plaene:-umrisse-der-absoluten-kontrolleAmpel-Pläne: Umrisse der absoluten Kontrolle

Die 1918er ‚Pandemie‘ und die virale Theorie – ‚Die unbewiesene Vorstellung von luftübertragener viralen Krankheiten, die die Menschheit dem korrupten medizinischen Kartell unterwirft

Published On: 10. März 2024 10:50

were killed by heating to 60 degrees C. for one hour. The organisms were then suspended in sterile salt solution, and after counting, the suspension was diluted to the desired concentration. The vaccine was standardized by counting the organisms in a Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber, and the dose was expressed in terms of the number of organisms per cubic centimeter. The vaccine was injected subcutaneously in the arm.” [16]  The vaccine was given to 3,689 men at Ft. Riley, and within a few days, the same vaccine was given to an additional 8,000 men at other Army camps.  The vaccine was also given to 7,000 men on the Navy ships.  The first cases of the “Spanish Flu” were recorded in March 1918 at Ft. Riley.  The first American casualties of the “Spanish Flu” were recorded in April 1918.  The Rockefeller Institute also sent the “vaccine” to England, France, Belgium and Italy.  The Spanish Flu killed an estimated 50-100 million people worldwide.  The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was the world’s leading research center for biological warfare.  The Rockefeller Institute was involved in the development of a “bacteriological warfare” program in World War II.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of a “vaccine” for the “Spanish Flu”.  The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the development of 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The 1918 ‘Pandemic’ & the Viral Theory – ‘The Unproven Notion of Airborne Viral Illness That has Enslaved Humanity to the Corrupt  Medical Cartel.’

Breaking News There are multiple lines of evidence to dispute the classic viral disease paradigm, including historical records,  biological evidence (or lack thereof) and clinical “experiments” according to Dr Lee Merritt. Yet, while this is true, there are many self professed “awake” individuals who although are willing to accept that we have been continually lied to on a grand scale to enable our enslavement, will not open their minds even to the possibility that one of those lies has been the unproven viral disease paradigm. Orthopaedic surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr Merritt writes “I hear it all the time.  From Physicians, “How can you say viruses don’t exist? I treat people with

Details zu The 1918 ‘Pandemic’ & the Viral Theory – ‘The Unproven Notion of Airborne Viral Illness That has Enslaved Humanity to the Corrupt  Medical Cartel.’

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verlaengerung-der-treuhandverwaltung-der-pck-–-polnischer-konzern-plant-akquisitionVerlängerung der Treuhandverwaltung der PCK - Polnischer Konzern plant Akquisition
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