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Guevara’s captor dies

Published On: 9. Mai 2023 4:00

from natural causes

In 1967, Ernesto „Che“ Guevara was captured by the Bolivian Army, and returned to Cuba. He spent most of the next decade of exile in Bolivia, and in late 1969, was captured again. This time, he was held in solitary confinement in the Cueva de la Ventana prison in La Paz, Bolivia.

In early 1971, while Guevara was writing a diary, he contracted sickle-cell anemia and a virulent form of malaria. On February 8, 1971, he was transferred to a hospital in La Paz, but he died four days later, at the age of 38.

A lengthy, public trial followed Guevara’s death, and six guards who had captured him were found guilty of manslaughter. As a result of Guevara’s death and the ensuing public outcry, Bolivia enacted a number of reforms in the prison system

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Guevara’s captor dies

The Bolivian general feted as a national hero for capturing the Cuban revolutionary Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara in 1967 has died aged 84. According to the BBC, Gary Prado Salmón led a military operation in Bolivia, backed by US secret service agents, that defeated a communist insurrection organised by Che Guevara. Bolivia had a right-wing military government at the time. Argentina-born Guevara was executed a day after his arrest by Bolivian army officer, Mario Terán, who died last year. After ambushing Guevara’s guerrilla group, General Salmón was made a national hero for having defended the Bolivian military regime. He had led

Details to Guevara’s captor dies

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iran-executes-two-for-blasphemyIran executes two for blasphemy