geschichten-aus-wikihausen-#83:-clemens-arvay-und-wikipedia-–-das-nachtreten-gegen-einen-am-boden-liegendenGeschichten aus Wikihausen #83: Clemens Arvay und Wikipedia - Das Nachtreten gegen einen am Boden Liegenden
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Gatekeeping American Society Again: Why Tolerance Is Overrated and It’s Time to Take Action

Published On: 12. Mai 2023 14:07


In recent years, the concept of tolerance has become a buzzword in American society. We are told that we must be tolerant of all viewpoints, lifestyles, and beliefs, no matter how different they may be from our own. However, according to an article in The Federalist, tolerance may not be the best approach to creating a healthy and functioning society. In fact, the author argues that it is time to start gatekeeping again.

The Problem with Tolerance

The article argues that tolerance has become a catch-all term that is used to justify all sorts of behavior, even when that behavior is harmful or destructive. For example, we are told that we must be tolerant of hate speech, even though it can lead to violence and discrimination. We are told that we must be tolerant of alternative lifestyles, even when they go against our moral or religious beliefs.

The author argues that this approach to tolerance is not only misguided, but it is also dangerous. When we are too tolerant, we allow all sorts of harmful behavior to go unchecked. We allow people to say and do things that are hurtful and destructive, and we do not hold them accountable for their actions.

The Need for Gatekeeping

According to the article, what we need instead is gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is the process of setting standards and boundaries for what is acceptable behavior in society. It is the process of saying that certain behaviors are not okay, and that there will be consequences for those who engage in them.

Gatekeeping is not about being intolerant or close-minded. It is about creating a healthy and functioning society where people can live and work together without fear of harm or discrimination. It is about setting standards for behavior that are based on respect, kindness, and empathy.


In conclusion, the article argues that it is time to start gatekeeping again in American society. We need to set standards for behavior that are based on respect, kindness, and empathy, and we need to hold people accountable for their actions when they fall short of those standards. This is not about being intolerant or close-minded, but about creating a healthy and functioning society where everyone can thrive

Original article Teaser

Tolerance Is Overrated: It’s Time To Start Gatekeeping American Society Again

Whenever we have to address the issue of “progressive” ideology in America today, the debate inevitably finds its way around to the grand idealism of “acceptance” and “tolerance.” The assertion by leftists is that they are on the side of “freedom” and human rights, and that by confronting or separating ourselves from certain behaviors we are revealing out bigotry and discrimination. In other words, leftists assert that all personal beliefs and behaviors must be embraced by the populace in order for society to become pure. Except, this is not what they really believe. Leftists argue for tolerance of aberrant behaviors while admonishing normal human tribal and biological reactions. They have a vision for the world, and certain beliefs are not

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geschichten-aus-wikihausen-#83:-clemens-arvay-und-wikipedia-–-das-nachtreten-gegen-einen-am-boden-liegendenGeschichten aus Wikihausen #83: Clemens Arvay und Wikipedia - Das Nachtreten gegen einen am Boden Liegenden
oelheizungen-werden-von-immobilienbesitzern-bevorzugt-gegenueber-waermepumpen-gekauftÖlheizungen werden von Immobilienbesitzern bevorzugt gegenüber Wärmepumpen gekauft