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Transgender-Revolution im Vatikan – eine Medien-Falschmeldung

Published On: 14. November 2023 22:12

Vatican approves baptism of transgender individuals – The Catholic Church is open to transgender people.“ This headline can now be read in Die Zeit. Many other newspapers have similar titles. I sent the „Zeit“ text to a friend who is a clergyman, who commented on it shaking his head as follows: „You can and MUST baptize anyone who wants to. That is a Christian duty.“ I asked him why the „Zeit“ then made a report out of it. His answer: „Because the ‚Zeit‘ is a left-wing propaganda sheet.“ In fact, the Catholic Church requires preparation for baptism, unlike the Orthodox Church, to which my friend belongs. The portal „gut-katholisch“ explains about adult baptism, for example: „A registration for baptism, filled out by the baptismal candidate, is sufficient. However, baptism can only take place if the baptismal pastor has made an appropriate examination of faith or religious instruction – and if the bishop approves the baptismal application.“ In this respect, the news in the „Zeit“ is apparently indeed a „non-news“. Because why should faith have anything to do with gender? The fact that the colleagues make the headline out of it, that the Catholic Church is „open to transgender people“, is in my opinion simply a misleading of the reader. The news goes back to a response from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to six questions from a Brazilian bishop. Whether this is one of the many particularly left-wing bishops from South America remains unclear – but it is likely. In any case, it fits very well with the course of the Pope, who also comes from South America and is also very left-wing, on this issue. Francis seems to care about the topic, and he has repeatedly spoken out in favor of the Church opening up to lesbians, gays, transsexuals, and other sexual minorities. One gets the impression that the topic of „sexual minorities“, which is now politically correctly referred to as „LGBTIQA+“, is being kept on the agenda by many media outlets at all costs. To anchor it in people’s consciousness by constantly repeating it. In addition to the self-evident fact that transgender people can also be baptized, which is highlighted by the „Zeit“, another aspect is interesting in the article. „Trans people can also be godparents and witnesses to marriage,“ the text says, citing the response from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Then the following sentence follows: „Transgender people can only become godparents or witnesses to marriage as long as there is no ‚danger of a public scandal or confusion among the faithful‘.“ This sounds to the uninformed reader as if there is „discrimination“ here – and it almost seems as if the journalists were just waiting for it. The fact is: Regardless of whether someone is transgender or not, godparents and witnesses to marriage must always be morally and in terms of their faith suitable as godparents or witnesses to marriage from the Church’s point of view, and there must be no danger of a public scandal or confusion among the faithful for any of them – regardless of their gender. So here, a non-news is turned into news for the sake of a political agenda. And not only in Die Zeit and the major newspapers. The „Schwäbische Post“, for example, writes: „For single homosexuals, it must be ensured that the godparent ‚leads a life in accordance with the faith‘. In practice, this means that homosexuals must be sexually abstinent in order to become godparents. Homosexuality is still a sin in the Catholic Church.“ That’s true. But the fact that any form of extramarital sex is a sin for the Catholic Church, as well as many other things, and that this is not just a peculiarity in dealing with homosexuals, is concealed from the readers by the newspaper. Just like the fact that nowadays probably very few priests would inquire about the sex lives of potential godparents or witnesses to marriage and that it is primarily a regulation on paper far removed from reality. All these details would limit the nice story of discrimination. It’s up to you! On my website, you could already read in 2021 what was still considered „corona heresy“ at the time – and now even the major media have to admit it. Critical journalism is like an icebreaker – it cuts through the uniform opinion. For this, you have to endure a lot. But that’s the only way to break the ice. 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Transgender-Wende im Vatikan – eine Medien-Ente?

„Vatikan billigt Taufe von trans Personen – Die Katholische Kirche zeigt sich offen für Transgender.“ Diese Schlagzeile ist jetzt in der Zeit zu lesen. Viele andere Blätter titeln ähnlich. „Beben im Vatikan: Papst geht auf Transgender-Katholiken zu“, titelte der „Münchner Merkur“. Ich schickte den „Zeit“-Text einem befreundeten Geistlichen, der sie kopfschüttelnd wie folgt kommentierte: „Taufen kannst du und MUSST du jeden, der das will. Das ist christliche Pflicht.“ Ich fragte ihn zurück, warum die „Zeit“ dann einen Bericht daraus mache. Seine Antwort: „Weil die ‚Zeit‘ ein linkes Agitpropblatt ist.“ Tatsächlich fordert die katholische Kirche eine Vorbereitung auf die Taufe, anders als etwa die orthodoxe Kirche, der mein Freund angehört. Das Portal „gut-katholisch“ erklärt in Sachen Erwachsenentaufe etwa: „Es reicht eine Anmeldung

Details zu Transgender-Wende im Vatikan – eine Medien-Ente?

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