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84-jähriger Österreicher erleidet Folter in Afghanistan, während die Regierung Millionen Euro an Hilfsgeldern dorthin schickt!

Published On: 2. Februar 2024 16:14

Sigrid Kappl, the daughter of Herbert Fritz, who was kidnapped in Afghanistan, and FPÖ National Council member Martin Graf described the government’s failure to free the political hostage. Austria pays millions of euros in aid to Afghanistan, where an 84-year-old Austrian is being tortured and held in a Guantanamo-like prison. This came to light today, Friday, at a press conference with FPÖ National Council member Martin Graf and the daughter of Herbert Fritz, who was kidnapped by the Taliban. Briton describes dramatic conditions A press conference could not have started more dramatically. Kevin Cornwell, a former cellmate of Fritz who was freed by the British government, described the catastrophic conditions of detention in Kabul in a video message. The cell resembled an underground garage, with no daylight, no windows, and no ventilation in the room. In the worst possible environment, there was a lack of sufficient nutrition, and if someone needed a toilet, they had to use a bucket or a lemonade bottle. „All very degrading,“ says Cornwell in the video. Public pressure must be exerted to free Fritz, who has a number of health complaints. 260 days in captivity Sigrid Kappl, Fritz’s daughter, reported that her father has been in this situation for 260 days. He is in the clutches of the Taliban regime, without charge, without conviction. She was able to speak briefly with her father on January 30th, „and I got the impression that he is very, very ill.“ Schallenberg ignores political hostage Martin Graf, a member of the parliamentary human rights committee, denounced the failure of Austrian authorities in their attempts to free the 84-year-old Austrian. Graf primarily holds ÖVP Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg responsible, who has persistently refused to schedule a meeting on this matter for seven months. A parliamentary inquiry from December 13th requesting urgent response has not yet been processed. A letter from the Taliban to Schallenberg with „feasible demands“ has been ignored by the Foreign Minister for months. Close embassy and freeze aid Graf believes that Fritz is in imminent danger. He suspects that the 84-year-old’s hearing aid broke when he was beaten by the regime’s henchmen. Graf therefore made five specific demands on the Austrian federal government: a crisis team must finally be deployed and direct negotiations with Afghanistan must be initiated. This requires an official negotiator to negotiate the release of the Austrian. Furthermore, I demand the closure of the Afghan embassy in Austria and the freezing of aid funds for Afghanistan until the hostage is released. Read here how Dr. Herbert Fritz, who always advocated for the self-determination of peoples and wrote numerous books on the subject, fell into the clutches of the Taliban

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84-jähriger Österreicher wird in Afghanistan gefoltert – aber Regierung schickt Millionen Euro Hilfsgelder hin!

Sigrid Kappl, die Tochter des in Afghanistan verschleppten Herbert Fritz, und FPÖ-Nationalratsabgeordneter Martin Graf schilderten das Versagen der Regierung bei der Befreiung der politischen Geisel. Österreich zahlt Millionen Euro Hilfsgelder nach Afghanistan, wo ein 84-jähriger Österreicher in einem Guantanamo-ähnlichen Gefängnis gefoltert und festgehalten wird. Das kam heute, Freitag, bei einer Pressekonferenz mit dem FPÖ-Nationalratsabgeordneten Martin Graf und der Tochter des von den Taliban verschleppten Herbert Fritz zutage. Brite schildert dramatische Zustände Dramatischer hätte eine Pressekonferenz gar nicht beginnen können. Kevin Cornwell, ein Ex-Zellengenosse von Fritz, der von der britischen Regierung befreit werden konnte, schilderte in einer Videobotschaft die katastrophalen Haftbedingungen in Kabul. Die Zelle würde einer Tiefgarage ähneln, es gebe kein Tageslicht, kein Fenster und keine Belüftung im Raum. In

Details zu 84-jähriger Österreicher wird in Afghanistan gefoltert – aber Regierung schickt Millionen Euro Hilfsgelder hin!

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der-neueste-vorabdruck-zu-den-experimenten-mit-dem-„brain-virus“-ist-aeusserst-besorgniserregend-–-teil-viDer neueste Vorabdruck zu den Experimenten mit dem "Brain Virus" ist äußerst besorgniserregend - Teil VI
die-ablehnung-der-profiteure-von-„nie-wiederDie Ablehnung der Profiteure von "Nie wieder