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Von der Ukraine nach Palästina: Die Gifte des Leugnertums

Published On: 9. Februar 2024 19:40

s struggle for self-determination is against Russian aggression, while Palestine’s struggle is against Israeli occupation. There are important differences in the historical context, geopolitical dynamics, and specific grievances of each conflict.

However, the author argues that the denial of self-determination in both cases is a common thread that should unite the international left in their support for both struggles. The denial of nationhood and the dehumanization of the Ukrainian and Palestinian people have led to ongoing violence and oppression.

The author also criticizes the „campist“ perspective that focuses solely on the crimes of U.S. imperialism and ignores the agency and struggles of other oppressed peoples. They argue that a genuinely internationalist left should support the rights of all nations and peoples to self-determination, regardless of which imperial power is involved.

The denial of Ukrainian nationhood by Russia and the denial of Palestinian nationhood by Israel and its supporters are rooted in ideologies of denialism that have real-life consequences. These ideologies perpetuate myths and falsehoods that justify the continued occupation and oppression of these peoples.

The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of recognizing the rights of nations and peoples to self-determination and supporting their struggles for freedom. While the situations in Ukraine and Palestine are distinct, they both highlight the need for a consistent anti-imperialist stance and solidarity with oppressed peoples

Original Artikel Teaser

From Ukraine to Palestine: Poisons of Denialism

Image by Anastasia Nelen. “Israel pursuing similar goals to Russia” – Sergel Lavrov  RT News, Thursday 28 December 2023: “The fight against Nazism is what historically unites Russia and the Middle Eastern country, the foreign minister said. “The declared goals of Israel in its ongoing operation against Hamas militants in Gaza seem nearly identical to Moscow’s in its campaign against the Ukrainian government, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said in an interview with RIA Novosti on Thursday.” Sergel Lavros is on to something: the doctrine that the strong and powerful of the world “do what they can and the weak suffer what they must” (Thucydides). Call it the solidarity of the oppressors and ethnic cleansers or, if you like, the

Details zu From Ukraine to Palestine: Poisons of Denialism

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