merz-steht-vor-der-entscheidung-zwischen-pest-und-choleraMerz steht vor der Entscheidung zwischen Pest und Cholera
prag-setzt-auf-atomenergie:-vier-neue-kernreaktoren-in-der-naehe-der-oesterreichischen-grenzePrag setzt auf Atomenergie: Vier neue Kernreaktoren in der Nähe der österreichischen Grenze

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Published On: 10. Februar 2024 8:00

ng to silence and censor dissenting voices can also be dangerous. The second point to make is that the MPT’s decision to erase Mr. Adil’s name from the Medical Register is not only a restriction on his freedom of speech, but also a punishment that will have significant consequences for his career and livelihood. It is a severe penalty for expressing views that, while controversial, do not pose an immediate threat to public safety. This raises questions about the proportionality of the punishment and whether it is truly necessary to protect the public. Finally, it is worth considering the broader implications of this decision. By erasing Mr. Adil’s name from the Medical Register, the MPT is sending a message that doctors who express dissenting views will be punished and potentially excluded from the profession. This creates a chilling effect on free speech within the medical community and discourages doctors from engaging in open and honest discussions about important issues. It also undermines public trust in the medical profession, as it suggests that doctors are not allowed to have independent thoughts or express opinions that deviate from the mainstream narrative. In a democratic society, it is crucial that individuals are able to express their views and engage in robust debate without fear of retribution. The erasure of Mr. Adil’s name from the Medical Register sets a dangerous precedent and threatens the principles of free speech and intellectual diversity

Original Artikel Teaser

Thinking Dangerous Things

If you are stuck for a little light bedtime reading, might I recommend browsing through the decisions of the Medical Practitioners Tribunal (MPT) from the last 12 months? They make for illuminating – albeit bleak and sordid – reading. And if you pay particular attention to decisions marked ‘Erasure’ (meaning the tribunal has decided to strike a medical practitioner’s name from the Medical Register) you will not fail to reflect on the wisdom of Machiavelli in his summary of human nature: “All do wrong.” My knowledge of the MPT’s decisions is by no means exhaustive, but even a cursory search reveals that almost all instances of Erasure involve some kind of threat to the safety of patients (as one would indeed

Details zu Thinking Dangerous Things

merz-steht-vor-der-entscheidung-zwischen-pest-und-choleraMerz steht vor der Entscheidung zwischen Pest und Cholera
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